August time and it’s like HAWT gosh darn!


Hope you’ve had a good July. Great news though, the comfy, windy, Fall-colored months are getting closer, and I’m going to enjoy every second of it.

Here’s some music, and then we’ll be on our way.

“The Seasonal Youtube Jazz Mix, Kell – really?”

Yes, really, now get your coffee and let’s talk.

As the winner of the first annual Holyverse Art Contest, Mei’s won themselves a cash prize, a cool(?) book, and some other exclusive niceties that you can only win by gaining my favor. Please, give her a round of applause!

…Because that would bother me if it was bothering you too much – thank you.

After a discussion with the publisher, it was decided that they won’t be able to publish the books as fast as they had wanted due to a surprisingly long list of logistical factors. While I shouldn’t go too in depth for respect of our beloved publisher’s privacy, just know this means the two a year schedule for the Xtreme Force books isn’t looking likely, especially not the audio editions.

That said, you can still expect to witness Ultra Death Graveman Death Death Death’s final glorious hour in the form of the final glorious book, but it’ll be a little later than planned.

On the flip side, this frees me to write up other projects. I’m getting close to the minimum required ingenuity for Nocturna League’s third season, Azure Vigil is still waiting and ready in the dock, and Courts Divided’s last book has also been waiting for me. On top of that we have a few short stories, the secret project, and a bunch of little things that you can’t look forward to, because they’re all so secretive, hohoho.

Look forward to good things coming your way soon!

He’s peeking out from behind some awesome looking leaf or something- life truly is a mysterious and wonderful thing. I saw him on the internet, didn’t take the photo – just thought you might like him.

It’s a blog post type moment – hear me out.

Human Physiology is a strange thing.

Like a paintbrush formed from the psyche, making strokes using the limbs and hundreds of little facial muscles, we paint our perception of reality out for everyone to see.

Everybody’s a picture, every spirit’s a moving art piece that tells you what the world is about in their interpretation.

You sit in public places and you see all sorts of human paintings:

Horror movies, Tragedies, Comedies, Adventures, Romances, and more.

Is their gait leaning, how, and what is it that they’re leaning into? Do they have a malady, or some kind of infirmity that tells you about the past, leading up to their current portrait? What’s their face saying?

We all obsess ourselves with putting on such good frames, and using such fine paints for our pieces, but if we fail to change the form of what we want to say, all these fancy materials and preparation will turn out to mean very little in the long run of time.

Humans are story-based creatures. Our view of how good a day is, our life is, and life itself is, all stem out from our perception: the story we’ve told ourselves.

The best we can do is to find our story, the real one that’s been waiting in us, the kind of story that shows its head after several minutes of sitting alone, silent and calm in a room. Once we’ve gotten a knack at holding the body and mind in place: once we’ve truly trapped the mind, we free it up to think about the things it really wants to know about: the little secrets that have been poking out from the walls of our spirits, waiting for us to take notice.

Once you’ve seen enough of these little secrets, you begin to understand, or more likely rediscover, your story. It won’t be the entire story in one flashing moment of brilliance. No, it will be the next paragraph, the next scene, the next chapter – just enough to keep going.

If you think it’s time to sit down, alone and distraction free, to just think about nothing but what your mind wanders to, then I have good news for you: you’re right – now is the time to remember why you’re here on this world.

Discover your story, remember your reason, and the art of your body will follow. You will take on the form of your own special hero: the protagonist that’s just right for the reality that you’re dreaming of.

It’s appropriate to call it both a dream, and a reality, because it’s not real yet, but it will be real once you’ve decided it is. Life is what you make of it in so many ways, and your experience is always based on what you notice, and what you notice is based on the values emphasized by your story.

Find your story, and you find yourself once again: a lesson I have to relearn time and time again, and maybe something you need to think about as well.

Bless you, and have a wonderful rest of your August.

All the best,

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