A Heavy Shadow has been Cast – Prepare your guts for glory on this blessed August Update

Alright, I’ve been hiding my muscles for a few months, but it’s time to come out swinging.

Here’s some cool tunes to relax to while I lay it down:

I think you’ll like it. Daft Punk’s one of my favorites- especially their older stuff.


Release: Nocturna League 10, the bright future of the series, and more!

Yeah, I know you folks have been looking forward to it, so here it is.


You can now grace your hands with the power and glory of Nocturna League: The Deafening Silence, brand spanking new, for just $1. The price is so low for a reason I’ll explain below, but make no mistake, this is high-speed, eldritch-horror action. You can grab it here, and you should!

This is the second novel-length episode in the series, which makes for 10 excellent, crazy, action packed episodes of wonderment, but I’m especially proud of this milestone, despite the series’ rather exemplary underperformance.

Going through the feedback from reviews and emails, I kept asking myself just what could be going wrong? Why is it that the series has such a small but dedicated readership? The first episode is free, after all, so the barrier for entry is low. The reviews are positive… except for one aspect, which I now realize is the big thorn in its side.

Episode 1 is too short, and not a good example of the rest of the series!

I’ve panicked about this for a little while, but I finally realize that between the budget covers and the very brief opener, the story quality at the beginning isn’t quite enough to entice people to go on.

How to fix this? Season box sets!

Yup! Next Spring expect to see 5 episode re-releases for series, with fancy new covers, compiled formatting, and a few extra bonuses for the long-time fans. As I’ll be collapsing them into 5 episode sets soon, I’ve decided to cut the price on all Nocturna League books. A matter of fact, they’re all now just $1 each! Go ahead and get your hands wet. The price cut will be permanent, as the box sets will be beating the individual releases in price anyway.

I think this is the right choice to actually get readers invested in the series, rather than tease them with 15k words in episode 1 and then leave them hanging out to dry.

Stupid Kell! Stupid stupid stupid!


But now that I’m fixing myself, the fictional goodness will continue as originally programmed.

You’re going to see another 5 episodes of Nocturna League next year, so look forward to season three in all its fishy glory!

Here’s that link for ep 10 again. You won’t want to miss it.

Okay, moving on.


Big goals, big disappointments:

First thing out the gate in case I wasn’t clear enough: Courts Divided isn’t getting finishing this year, but Early Summer.

I know it’s what most of you have been waiting for, and it’s what you’ll have to continue waiting for. I can’t in good conscience release something without it being simply excellent, so it’s going to wait in the study for a few months longer while it’s steadily crafted into its prime iteration. The wait will be worth it, guaranteed. I’ve been battling that Hideous Workload  day in and day out, but it appears that I’m finally fighting out some open time to kill off these projects and murder them onto amazon.

That said, I have awesome news. It’s another ambitious “shoot for the stars” type move, and while I may have been punched in the face last time, I’m raring for round two. Behold!

Liberation eCover

Damn, that looks cool~

Substation 7, my new fantasy thriller series, is going to release all three of its episodes in a rapid release, three month schedule: October, November, and December.

That’s right. 150,000 words of magitech, automatons, and horrible, horrible conspiracies, all starting Early October, just in time for you to feel spooked for Halloween.

This series if going to punch you in the mouth, apologize, and then you’ll get a call from the police saying that you weren’t even punched in the mouth, but you were punched in the mouth from inside your house.

…Never mind. It’s good, is what I’m trying to say. I think I can keep you folks guessing for a while, as the mysteries of The Kingdom of Everhold go deeper than the substations themselves, and I don’t know if you’re ready to follow poor Clare Airineth in her quest to unravel its secrets.

Don’t worry about missing the launch, because I will let you know when it’s out! Expect releases to come with the ebook, the beautiful physical soft covers, and the audiobooks only a few months behind.

You have plenty of reasons to be excited for fall, and it won’t just be the weather, either!


Hey! Read!

Last bit of affairs for this month: have you checked out the short story section lately? I’ve been adding new shorts on the regular to keep up with your ravenous demands for extra fiction, so don’t not utilize it! Read away! One last thing? Who’s a character you’d like to have their own short story? Any good ideas? Comment or email me at kellr.inkston@gmail.com to weigh in your thoughts! I’m super open to suggestions!

And that’s all! I’ll see you guys next month with more news on Substation 7!


Stay cool and drink lots of water,

Kell Inkston



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